
receiving images

how do I obtain images for layout purposes?

You need our VIP status on your login in order to download nice, big medium res files (1500px x 1500px) for layout. If you do not already have this status, please contact to request increased access. Once you are an urbanlip VIP, you will see a ‘download layout image’ function on your enlarged image page. Click to download.

can I save images to the desktop?

Yes you can save thumbnails or enlarged images to the desktop.
mac users: simply find the image you want and drag it onto your desktop. You can then open the image in the appropriate application.
pc users: right mouse click and use ‘save pictures as’ to select where you would like to save the image. Then continue to open in your chosen application. Please note that these images will not be the same quality as your ‘download layout image’ option.

can I get an image without a watermark?

This request will be considered on an individual basis, so please email or call us on +44 (0) 1428 605841

how do I download my purchased image(s)

Make sure you are logged in then click on your login name and go to ‘download purchased images’. The next page will reveal a thumbnail of your image. Click to download. Alternatively, we are happy to deliver hi res images and gifs via WeTransfer.