how do I login?
In order for you to login you need to be registered.
how do I register?
Click on ‘login’ in the main navigation bar and select ‘new client? register now.’ Alternatively, you will be able to browse the website without registering, but will be prompted to login when you wish to see an enlarged image or use the board function.
Once you’ve selected ‘register now’ a registration form will appear which you need to fill in, making sure that all the mandatory fields marked with an ‘*’ have been completed. After reading our terms and conditions, check the box and send the form by clicking on the ‘register now’ button. An e-mail response confirming your account details and password will be sent to you within seconds and you need to click on the link ‘click here’ as directed to complete registration.
what if I forget my password?
Go to the login page, simply click on ‘forgotten password’ and you will be asked to supply your login email address. An email will be sent to you with a link to reset your password. Click on link to reset.
how do I change my details?
Once logged in, click on your account name and go to ‘profile’. Fill in the changes you’d like to make and click ‘submit’. A message will appear confirming that your details have been updated.
what if I don’t receive a confirmation e-mail?
Please contact or tel: +44 (0) 1428 605841 and we will be able to help.
what if I can’t login after registering?
Check that you are using the correct login email address and double-check your password. If you are still having difficulty please contact or tel: +44 (0) 1428 605841 and we will be able to help.
searching for images
how can I find my perfect image?
From the homepage, either type in the keyword(s) which best describes what you are looking for or click on Stills or Gif to reveal the following categories from which you can perform a category search. A category search will give you a wider search return than a keyword search. You can amend or refine your search at any time as the search function is displayed on each page.
category search:
You can choose from the following categories: beauty science, body, close up, eyes, face, fitness and wellbeing, hair, hands and feet, lips, make-up, nutrition, older, skincare, still life, summer, latest.
keyword search:
Please enter single words which best describes what you are looking for separated by a space.
The spaces will be interpreted as an ‘AND’ command eg. ‘eye AND mascara AND application’. You can refine this and narrow your search at any time by adding another keyword in the search box. If the keywords you enter produce no results, a message will display the number of images containing each of your chosen keyword eg “We found 250 images for ‘eye’, we found 10 images for ‘mascara’, and we found 150 images for ‘application”. You can then click on your most important keyword and it will return those results.
search return:
When you perform a keyword search, it will return both still images and gifs. The number of each will be displayed in the top navigation bar.
can I view more/less than 50 images per page?
Yes. Both in the top navigation bar and at the bottom of each page there is an option to increase or decrease the number of images displayed. The maximum is 200 per page.
what if I know the image no?
You can type this in to the keyword search box and you will be taken directly to that image.
are similar images available?
In order to offer a more bespoke image service, you can access a number of alternative frames from most images. Click on ‘enlarge image’ under your chosen picture and this will automatically display any alternative frames from that shot together with the enlarged image. You can enlarge any of the alternative frames, by simply clicking on your selected shot. You will need to be logged in to access this function.
do you have more images featuring the same model?
We understand that the model is crucial to the brand or that you may want a number of images of the same model for a feature so we offer the facility to pull together all images we have of a specific model by first, enlarge the image, then either clicking on ‘this model features in XX images, click here to view’ or click on ‘view production’ and voila!
I can’t find what I’m looking for?
Need help? Please don’t hesitate to contact out talented team for photo research or image enquiries. We will be more than happy to put together a selection of images for you. Contact: or tel: +44 (0) 1428 605841
multiple board function
what is a board?
A board is an area where you can store a select group of images to review or send to a client or colleague for their info/comments. You can create multiple boards to deal with the variety of projects you may be working on at any one time. These can be saved for an indefinite period of time or deleted as you finish with them. You will need to be logged in to use the ‘board’ function.
how do I create my first board?
When you ‘hover’ over an image you like, the option
to ‘add to board’ will appear. You will be prompted to login if you haven’t already done so. A board will be displayed featuring your chosen image and you can give it a name in the ‘create new board’ input box. Click on ‘go’ and the screen will refresh displaying your newly ‘named’ board as your ‘active board’.
how do I manage multiple boards?
Each image you select will be added to your ‘active board’ so ensure that you select the correct board before adding an image. Then you can flick between boards adding images.
I would like to share my board.
You can email your board together with a message. The email function is located at the bottom of the board.
how do I move easily between my search and adding images to my board?
Click on the red ‘back to search’ or ‘back to images’ button, positioned top right of your board
ordering images
how can I find out the price of an image?
The price is calculated according to your intended use. You can get a quote for either a specific license: governed by exposure, size, territory, whether the use is editorial or commercial and duration or a broad license: unlimited use governed only by duration. Either fill in the ‘order enquiry’ form
which you can click on after enlarging your chosen image or contact Lara at and we’ll supply you with a speedy quote based on your requirements.
how do I order an image?
Once you have agreed the license fee, then simply call on +44 (0) 1428 605841 or email: with the image number.
how do I pay?
We will invoice you for any agreed fees. Our payment terms are 30 days. In certain circumstances we may require payment via bank transfer before a high resolution image is delivered. Please note that you do not have any usage rights to your chosen image until payment is made in full and if payment is not made you would be infringing copyright.
receiving images
how do I obtain images for layout purposes?
You need our VIP status on your login in order to download nice, big medium res files (1500px x 1500px) for layout. If you do not already have this status, please contact to request increased access. Once you are an urbanlip VIP, you will see a ‘download layout image’ function on your enlarged image page. Click to download.
can I save images to the desktop?
Yes you can save thumbnails or enlarged images to the desktop.
mac users: simply find the image you want and drag it onto your desktop. You can then open the image in the appropriate application.
pc users: right mouse click and use ‘save pictures as’ to select where you would like to save the image. Then continue to open in your chosen application.
Please note that these images will not be the same quality as your ‘download layout image’ option.
can I get an image without a watermark?
This request will be considered on an individual basis, so please email or call us on +44 (0) 1428 605841
how do I download my purchased image(s)
Make sure you are logged in then click on your login name and go to ‘download purchased images’. The next page will reveal a thumbnail of your image. Click to download. Alternatively, we are happy to deliver hi res images and gifs via WeTransfer.